Phantom voltage

A sequel to the last post.


Local news article from the ‘Folly Daily News’

Saturday, 16 October 198—

Phantom Voltage

Intermittent Electricity recently faced a claim that a shadowy black figure was responsible for Edgar Thrice-Spookʼs 1,236.15 FDr electricity bill. The spectral figure had allegedly turned on the lights and equipment for hours at a time. It also used Mr Thrice-Spookʼs top-of-the-line paper shredder to shred telephone directories, private correspondence and bills at his house in District Y. 

The case is being investigated by the renowned Third Eye Phumblers Detective Agency on behalf of Intermittent Electricity.

'Listen to Slayer'

From the Sunday Folly Herald

Sunday, 3 May 19—

Slayer advice

A man claims that he was visited by his recently deceased relative. Stunt Double’s favourite aunt, Griselda Phlox, died peacefully in her sleep a couple of weeks ago. 

Mr. Double, a former acrobat who is now working as a flying doctor for ‘Flying Doctors Emergencies’ in the Random Plains area, District B, says that Mrs. Phlox visited him in his bedroom on the night of 28 April to reassure him that she was ‘just peachy’. She appeared out of the blue, just as Mr. Double was getting ready for bed, and looked especially euphoric. 

Mr. Double says that he was not particularly scared by this nocturnal visit, only surprised. However, he was rather puzzled by his aunt’s parting words: ‘Stunt, listen to Slayer’. Mr. Double is unable to account for this eccentric piece of advice.