Radio life

The three panels below came about rather serendipitously. For what seemed like the longest time, I had no idea of what to draw. A few things popped into my head, but nothing really enthused me much. On a whim, I started listening to my old Psychedelic Furs records as they vaguely seemed to go well with the coming autumn ambience; upbeat but not happy. I was pondering whether their songs have aged well (I think they have even though they sound of their time) when I started thinking about obsolete sound technologies — a topic particularly fascinating to me as a member of a generation which migrated from the analogue and the digital in their teens and twenties. From there, I eventually got to thinking about radios, specifically transistor radios. Then finally, I made the mental leap to the popular Top10/Top20, etc., radio shows that I used to listen to as a kid on a weekly basis without fail. In fact, I think I still have some tapes I had made of them packed away somewhere. However, I was never very fond of most radio DJs and their incessant chattering, especially when it extended over the beginning of songs. So, without further ado, this week’s post is for those who, like me, used to listen religiously to the various chart countdown shows on the (analogue) radio way, way back in markedly different decades. And for those who (still) enjoy the Psychedelic Furs!